What will happen in the tech industry? What’s going on with the world this year and what can we expect? Let’s get started!
The Great Reorganization will begin
According to employment data around the world, especially in the US, something that has already happened in the past will continue in an unprecedented way. They call it the great shakeup and it represents millions of workers leaving their jobs and many others contemplating changing it. This trend is picking up speed. The great revolution will be in the new denomination of that social contract called employment. 2021 was the year our relationship with work changed forever. Our work and life patterns changed, and people all over the world began to rethink everything. They call it the Great Reorganization. We are still not very clear about what they are, but in 2022 the new social and labor regulations will become more visible. It is said that the very concept that defines the social contract called ’employment’ will begin to change.
Live streaming habit – growth of Twitch and YouTube
Streaming online – It’s the biggest trend right now. After the pandemic started, people tended to watch others’ lives. You can start streaming online and get more people to watch it online. Twitch is the biggest streaming platform. One of the most asked questions is, can you Buy Twitch viewers, and the answer is yes quite easily, considering how impactful and important that aspect of streaming is.
Big Tech can outperform governments on the global stage.
Nation states have been the main drivers of global affairs for nearly 400 years. Such as conducting war and peace, providing public goods, writing and enforcing laws, and controlling the flows of information, goods, services, and people. That will end. Tech giants like Meta (Facebook), Google, Amazon and Alibaba increasingly act as sovereign bodies, rivaling states for influence over our lives. The influence of the tech giants will provoke a lot of backlash from the leaders of many countries. We have already been seeing it in multiple ways to find a way to paralyze its growth.
But I don’t think any of these efforts will go the distance, partly because leaders are not aligned on the nature of the problem, partly because they lack the experience to regulate Big Tech effectively, and partly because they fear overreaching could hamper innovation and growth. Which means that, at least for the near future, the power of tech companies is about to grow beyond the ability and willingness of governments to curtail their authority.
The metaverse will take the battlefield
For once, not all the loot will go to big tech. The next evolution of the web is coming and it’s rolling off our screens. It’s the metaverse, a term that describes the immersive and collaborative 3D experiences that are already making their way into our lives. Say the word “metaverse” and most people will think of headphones that transport us to a pixelated world where we interact with digital avatars. But, the metaverse is much more. From existing augmented experiences. Up to high-end game worlds.
We expect the metaverse to be immersive, ubiquitous, and freely accessible. It will be digitally focused and potentially involves entertainment, social connection, work productivity and behavior modification at scale. It will create a complete ecosystem for developers, apps, ads and new digital innovations. The metaverse will facilitate convenience, consumption, and frictionless access to services. Today, only a few companies have any real stake in the metaverse. ByteDance, Tencent, Facebook, Spotify, Zoom, Amazon (Twitch), Alibaba, Snapchat, and Huawei.
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